Outer Banks Fudge Shop
It was 1980 when A.C. Marshall revolutionized the time honored tradition of making fudge with the grand opening of the world’s very first Fudgery. With its copper kettles and marble slabs, the store looked like a fudge shop, but it sure didn't sound like one...
With the ringing of a big brass bell, "Papa Fudge" Marshall lured beach-goers into that first store with a unique mix of singing, showmanship, and the best fudge the world has ever know. And the show has never stopped.
Interactive retail is how Papa Fudge describes his nutty concept, but what that really means is FUN. More than anything else, that has been the secret ingredient in his recipe for success; that and a first rate fudge. That commitment to quality continues as the company he founded added caramel apples, ice cream, and milk shakes to an already successful mix.