Tonight’s Veggie Tapas dishes! 😍 we’re almost done with our Tapas nights for the season - come on out before they’re gone!

Join DJ Smilez every Friday at Outer Banks Brewing Station, from 10:30 PM to 2:00 AM, through March 28th! Dance to the beats and enjoy the vibes every Friday. Don’t miss out on the fun! 🤩😁

Saturday Night Dinner Specials! On the main stage tonight we will have Phil Watson from 5:30pm- 8:30pm followed by Doc Perkins & the medicine men at 10:30pm! NO COVER!!!!

Catch Phil Watson tonigt on the inside stage from 5:30pm to 8:30pm. Come enjoy dinner and live music from an amazing local performer. Cheers to the weekend, March, and Spring being on the way! 🍻✨