So far, RED and BLACK DRUM. Also SPOT, SPECKLED TROUT, SEA MULLET and SHEEPSHEAD. Winds NW at 9 knots. Air 63 degrees, water 67. Low 8:56 a.m. and 9:55 p.m. High tide 3:17 p.m.
Took the Bait -- Marshall Reed, age 85, of West Virginia grins big after decking this 23 - inch PUPPY DRUM to start the day! Also catching BLUES, PINFISH and small SPECKLED TROUT. Winds NW at 13 knots. Air 65 degrees, ocean temp 67. Low tide 7:42 a.m. and 8:59 p.m. High tide 2:04 p.m.
Weather fantastic! So far, BLUEFISH, small SPECKLED TROUT and FLOUNDER. Warm and sunny with waves. Winds S at 3 knots. Air temp 69 degrees, water temp 67. Low tide 6:34 a.m. High tide 12:54 p.m.
Great variety so far: ONE big BLACK #drum, a RED DRUM, SEA MULLET, SPECKLED #TROUT, RIBBONFISH, #BLUEFISH and SPOT. Winds NE at 7 knots and some solid waves. Water and air temperatures the same, 67 degrees. High tide 11:56 a.m. High tide 6:48 p.m.
#Making_Memories -- Weston Roberson caught his first ever big #drum on Saturday night!
So far, #BLUEFISH and #SPOT. Less wind and warm this morning. Winds N at 12 knots. Air temp 66 degrees, water temp 67. High tide 11 a.m. Low tide5:45 p.m. Nags Head resident John Kenny captured this #sunrise this morning.