Cloudy, warm for last day of January. #nofishyet
With the use of a Go Pro, our eductors take a look inside a menhadedn bait ball yesterday.
Another sunny day with some northeast winds coming off the ocean. Ocean water temperature 46 degrees. Wind NE at 12 knots. High tide 7:41 a.m. Low tide 2:09 p.m. A bottlenose dolphin jumps up and out of the sea yesterday! Gift shop closed today.
Check It Out -- We have a replica of this fish hanging in stair tower leading to second floor of pier house. #worldrecord
Tons of baitfish off end of pier!
Slot red drum are still around but not biting like yesterday. Sunny and 47 degrees out. Ocean temperature 39 degrees. Winds are West at 17 knots. High tide 6:15 a.m. Low 12:47 p.m. Our gift shop is closed for inventory today.